Friday, April 17, 2009

God of the Valleys

How easy it is to believe the enemy when he comes in like a flood, and we feel like we are drowning with no way out. Why is it so easy? Reason #1: Because, we fail to recognize the deluge as being from the enemy, #2: Because we are so overwhelmed by what ever is being used to choke the life out of us, that we don't have the time to do anything, find any answers, reach for life savers, we are sinking, drowning, barely breathing. #3, Because our senses are agreeing: What we are seeing and experiencing is to us "reality." What we can touch and hear agrees...Our circumstances look like evidence.

Israel had been driven into the valley by the enemy. They were terrified. From where the enemy stood, a top the mountain, the view into the valley was clear and unobstructed ,but the view from down below looking up wasn't quite so clear. In fact, the Israelites knew that they were sitting ducks! From atop the mountain the enemy could almost invisibly watch those below and at any time rain down weapons of terror and destruction upon the sitting ducks! The Israelites were trapped and they were choking with fear!

And then came the word of the Lord saying, "Don't worry, the enemy has said ...Let us drive the Israelites into the valley because their God is not a God of the valleys, he is only a God of the mountain tops! There we shall surely defeat them for their God will not be with them." So the Lord said "I have allowed this to happen to show them that your God is a God of the Mountains and the valleys"

The truth is , at this point, Israel had only four men with weapons total. In fact, just a chapter or two before this battle ensued, just two of these men who owned weapons, Jonathan, along with his armor bearer, on foot, defeated 20 enemy soldiers themselves and God sent a holy panic over the entire army of the enemy, causing them to turn and fight each other, killing off their own men!

Not the God of the Underdog, they thought?

God doesn't need the right circumstances to work, arrive, show up, move on, in, under or around!

You might be in the valley for this season my friend, but I'm here to tell you today, "Look above the mountain, where your help comes from, Your help comes from the Lord!" Oh yes, your God, He is a God of the "valleys" not just the mountain tops. **The enemy of your soul is hoping you will believe that he is all powerful, especially when he gets you on the run or down in the dumps. He wants to look at your circumstances and surmise that they are larger than God, that they are wider, deeper and taller and far too fierce to overcome!

Isa 59:1 - Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. God is our refuge. A very present help in times of trouble. Eph 8--"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty (Super-naturally Powerful) througn God, to the pulling down of strong holds, casting out imaginations and bringing every thought captive to the obedience of God! "

If you've been of the persuasion that God does not allow his saints to be tried or pursued by the enemy, then you must have missed 9/10th's of the bible! From the garden to the desert, from the promise land to the cross through Revelations, God's people have always been pursued by the enemy! This is not new news! The enemy sends in evil, designed and assigned to produce fear and retreat in the believer to our ultimate destruction. God sends ambushes, angels, hope and deliverance in the face of all odds.

You can make it through a "valley experience." The battle is ultimately fought in your spirit through your mind. One way to fool proof your mind for a valley experience is to set your mind before hand. Know God's ways, his power and characteristics before the enemy strikes. If you believe the lie that God never allows believers to be tested or tried, you will be shell-shocked for sure at the first sign of enemy attack! Take a look at the biblical battles. That which can be shaken , will, the word says. In the peaceful times, make sure you know on which ground you stand and under whose covering you camp.

So, "When the enemy comes in like a flood," God says "He will raise up a standard"..This translated means...God will raise up a banner that will fly over your camp that tells the armies of the Lord: "These are my people, I come to their defence. The colors beckon, "Come fight here! The enemy is attacking and this is our post! come fight and defend over here!!! Heavenly hosts (armies) ...over here! Saints: Over here! Prayer warriors: Over here! Armor bearers: Over here!"

The banner also sends the enemy a message...Telling the enemy whose Lord you serve... Attila the Hun's banner was a fierce one, not to be reckoned with. Alexander the great conquered the known world. Evoking fear in any one who merely caught sight of his colors coming toward them.

Imagine those who have known and seen from the beginning of time, God's terrible power. Spawning awe from the dawn of creation to this present day. Those proponents of Satan who were cast out of heaven by god's mighty hand. What they must feel about the Lords banner.

The bible says, the enemy knows who the Lord is and trembles at the very mention of His name.

The enemy knows the power of the Lord. DO YOU?


Dear Friends,
If you are as internet or PC challenged as i am, you may not know that you can ad your comments to this site by clicking "comments" at the end of each post. Bear with me on my own technical difficulties. I am going to get better at this e-stuff!

I would love to hear from you!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My grandson walked out of his room and said "I'm ready."  I didn't want to embarrass him but his shirt was inside out. How could i tell he asked, (he was only 5.) "Because," I said, "The seams are on the outside, see, the tag is also showing. They're not supposed to show. Look, there are two tags, one on the collar and one on the inside seam way at the bottom." "Ooooh" he curiously replied. "But Nana, why are there tags?"
"Well, one is a label, it tells us who made the garment. The other is a note, it tells us how to take care of the garment."

My grandson not only learned how to tell if he is wearing his clothing inside out that day but how the shirt was made, who it's maker was and how to find the instructions to daily care for his garment. These are things that we all pretty much learn at an early age. As we grow, some of us come to gain respect or fondness of particular makers/designers.  We become familiar with how to care for particular fabrics. We learn which fabrics are sturdy and which are delicate. Each need be handled accordingly if they are to survive any length of time.

Someone I know refuses to separate laundry by fabric's weight and colors. Not separating heavy blue jeans from the delicate knits and nylon undergarments, nor whites from dark's. When jeans are thrown in with the fragile garments, the life of the most delicate items are diminished severely under the rigorous beating of the heavy denim pulling on the fragileness of the knits, silks and nylon. Instead of a well made knit golf shirt or beautiful camisole lasting years, their life span's are reduced to months. You can tell when a garment is worn out or abused/mishandled. It's shape is sloppy and it's colors faded or blended with blue or what ever harsher color it had been thrown in with. Whites are never white because to bleach an item that would require extra time taken to sort them first.  So seldom is there any bleach used. The result: Dingy whites!

Life is this way. We must handle it with care. Each one of us is unique. We all have our respective parts to play in this life. Some lives are sturdy and strong. Perhaps a bit abrasive, armour bearers tend to be of this fiber. Like denim, able to land on their knees a few times with out tearing through the fabric of their garments. Then some are delicate and sensitive. Able to prepare nourishment and administer tenderness, hugs, kisses, kindness and warmth. These lives are generally merciful and long suffering; Not able to withstand harsh treatment without rips and damage to the fabric of their garment's. And some are everyday wear. Not delicate but not super sturdy. Able to do most mundane jobs, provide adequate body covering,  non-rigorous activity wear. These are the lives that are usually steady and dependable. Not overtly warm, not abbrasively domineering, faithful.

Ultimately, you don't have to become a fabric expert to "handle with care."
Each designer/maker stamps his label on the inside of the garment and in recent years, as i stated,  garment manufacturers have begun to place a second label called a "care" label down now on the side seam of upper wear. I have yet to see a designer fail to place instructions for care on their garments.

God, the life designer, has instructions for care of everything in your life. To find Him, you must first accept His design for your life. Second, you may look inside yourself (James chapter 1) and find His stamp, then search out his directions. They're "all" in the book of instructions he provided us. And he instructed us to "write the laws (oh, did i mention they are not suggestions)  on the tablets of our hearts, not just on tablets of stone (or wood or paper or computer screen.)

Beloved, if you were to begin to sort out life's challenges, experiences, responsibilities and relationships with spirit eyes, asking first the makers instructions in each individual circumstance, I know you would begin to see the fabric of your life improve.

If your life is stained from sin, the word of God says He washes white as snow, those who confess their sins. Your life can begin fresh by accepting "new life" by the original designer. The bible says Gods spirit, The Holy Spirit, Christ, when he comes in, flushes out the old and All things become new! "How" you say "can someone be born the second time?" Zacheus asked Jesus this same question. "How can a man enter his mothers womb again!" In other words : I am already born. I am what I am.

I Corinthians 2:8-11 says this: "The spirit searches out (looks for the care label down the side seam of the garment) the deep things of God. For how can a man know what is in another man's mind? He can't, only the spirit of that man knows what is in his mind. Likewise, only God's spirit knows what is in God's mind. And you (who have accepted Christ/become born again/shed the old garments that are stained with sin/Have become a "new creation"/"Have been transformed by the renewing of your mind") have that spirit in you!"     ~~  The scripture says "Put on the mind (care label) of Christ" "Put on the garment of Praise, for the spirit of heaviness" "Treat unkindness with kindness" "Use a kind word to turn away wrath" "don't repay evil for evil" "Forgive 70X's 7" "Submit to authorities set in government over you because God instituted all authority"

The list of life instructions is endless, but are readily available to your mind by the spirit of God living in you, thru the book. When you wake up tomorrow morning, before you put on your daily wear, put on the mind of Christ! Put on the garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness. Put on the breastplate of righteousness which is able to keep your heart from the fiery darts of the enemy, Put on the helmet of salvation (to protect your mind and brain from being crushed under the weight of the blows of the enemy; Blows of stress, blows of depression/oppression, blows of weapons formed against you but placed in the hands of people, loved ones, weapons designed to destroy you by striking your mind,body and/or spirit. Weapons of destruction, bombs that blow things in your life up. Arrows that strike precise places in your life or mind or body. Artillery of all types, some wide spraying, can hit a general area with lots of small metal shots, some like magnums which hit once leaving a hole large enough to annihilate the spot where it hits. Ever evolving weaponry, aims to outsmart its components. In recent years we've seen stealth bomber's, planes that can fly under the radar completely undetected, invade a territory and hit it before it is seen. Heat seeking missiles are able to chase down it's enemy with a mind of it's own, following it's target's movements. It's almost impossible to escape an attack of this kind. The list goes on. )

When you put on the helmet of salvation you decide as the people did also in Joshua 24:24  ..."We will serve the Lord our God and OBEY him."

When weapons of warfare come against your mind, first remember they are not of flesh and blood, They are spiritual. II Corinthians 10:4 says "For the weapons of pir warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against teh knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

"Casting down imaginations, bringing every thought captive to the obedience of God!" 

This is how we put on the mind of Christ and securely wear our  Helmet/Head covering of salvation; By knowing and obeying the will/instructions of God, in all situations, under all circumstances, in thought and deed and relationship. And making up our minds, taking our thoughts captive to Christ our bodies follow.

Beloved, let us look to the care instructions of our lives in Christ, remembering, if our lives are Christ's, then it is our responsibility to follow the directions in caring for (being stewards of) this life.  This is how a life prospers. (is successful and well)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

We celebrated Katelyn's Sweet 16 with a bang!

Katelyn’s Sweet 16

We celebrated Katelyn’s Sweet 16 with a bang!!! Had a great party. Great Band, "Evangelin"! Thanks guys, Zack, (go Smith!) you were more than we could have hoped!!! You made it personal and remarkable! Katelyn’s friend Sarah told Kate, "Things happen to you that only happen in books!!" You rock!!

To all who participated. Thanks for a wonderful evening. Guests were superb! Chocolate was not regrettable!!!

For all who served in one capacity or another. Thanks!!!!!!! You are all brilliant hues of “awesome”!

Special Thanks to Friends who helped with decorating, food prep, blowing up balloons took all day, several shift changes.

Bethany and Jessica you were such troopers! Dedicated 24 long hours to the parties success! Cassy too, You were all beautiful by the way!

Carissa, you read my mind. You are my sunshine! Thanks for all day (Chad probably made you)help and hosting. I count on you so much you know. Good Job!

Dad, You rock!

Sarah, what would we have done with out you!! You were clever and a great cover. You are bossy and Kate is trusting! Thanks a million. We hope to have many more fam celebrations with you present...not just to help us surprise Kate!

Pastor Joe, your contributions were indispensable. How can we say thanks for helium, venue, running last minute errands and clean up!!! Wow!!! You’re great!!

Ethan! You know how I feel about your service! You are the man for the job! Your parents must be proud! They did good! You never have to be asked to do a job thoroughly or with the highest of standards. You are remarkable.

Jeff, above and beyond. Thanks not only for your service but your multi-colored heart for visual expression and sharing it generously!

Britt, I don’t have to tell you that you are an artist but you came thru with your talent. Mostly ,thank you for being a delightful friend to Kate! You always ad to the mix your creative, thinking mind coupled with a heart of compassion and “passion”. These are qualities you possess that you should guard as you grow.

Don and Pat, like the people you are, you jumped in with both feet, up to your elbows! You are too good to be true. If we could ever measure up to the kind of friends you are!! You are what friendship is made of!

Jay you are an intricate part of Kate's childhood. Thank you for making it to the party. I know your social schedule is full! You are a reliable friend. We think of you like family! We love you! And you too Alicia. You hung out with Kate and she loves your wit!! We love you guys!

Hofman! You are a delight! Thanks for getting off work and gracing us with your presence!

To our company crew, you are always there, always willing, always make us proud! Thanks!

Sean, you are special to this family, especially to Kate. Thanks for your presence and help. Mostly for being there. I hope you had fun! PS you too Kim. You are Katelyn’s first youth leaders, that will always be a special place in her heart and life. You are both precious to the Davis Tribe.

Jack, Stacey, Allison and Jackson Nichols, we love you!!!

Thanks to all our family members who were there! We especially appreciate your presence and love!!! To Andy and his fam, Thanks for the accesorizing the puppy surprise! Our Tampa family and church family, thanks for coming so far to be with us!

Michael Easter, you travelled some 800 miles? Wow, hope to see more of you. Thanks for being there. You were a delight by the way. Friendly and at ease, christian spirit shows in your demeaner. We enjoyed your company!

To all our distinguished guests! Thanks for being "you" and being with us on this happy occasion!
We Love You All !!!! Kiley's your sweetness! Kerns your always positive and serving in joy and excellence! Clapps, your smiles are enormous! Levins not just for being eye candy (heehee : ) JayJay, you were not the only one present who was 6'5", was that nice. thanks so much for coming, hope you had a good time! Ali Bess your excitement was joyous! Kent Philips you are a social king! Lauren, thank you so much for coming!

Dennis, you know you have been incorporated into the Davis Tribe. You know we Love you! You are sometimes overlooked in the thank yous but never under appreciated (just like family.)

Katelyn was thoroughly surprised, from the entrance to the church parking lot where we told her we were meeting up with dad because he worked late. ( She thought we were going out to special bday dinner where daddy wanted to dress up 'cause it was a milestone)

As we approached the church parking lot and viewed the excessive cars in the parking lot, we told her there must be a special worship meeting tonight and that was why dad was here to edit the songs on pc.

The entrance surprise!(she said is this a joke?) The puppy surprise! The band....

We ushered her into the dark sanctuary where we stood silently for a couple of minutes (Later, she confided in me that what was going thru her mind in those few, silent, dark moments was..."I sure hope I'm not getting married!") Then a voice out of the darkness said "Happy Birthday Katie" and the band started playing and the lights came on and the fog blurred the band and the crowd all rushed forward to enjoy the wonderful sounds of Evangelin! They put on a great show!

Then to the "after party" and chocolate!

The dress was semi formal..Everyone looked Marvelous!! It was a beautiful party! Hope you all enjoyed!!

Until we party again! (soon i hope!)

The Davis Tribe

Please join us in celebrating:
Katelyn Davis'
Sweet Sixteen

Located at Freedom Fellowship
On Friday, April 4th, 2008.
7:00pm – 11:00pm

Featuring a live band:

Semi-formal dress


Friday, June 22, 2007

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Have you ever heard the term "Spent?" Someone says "I just feel spent!"

Often i feel this way after handling a confrontation or a dispute or an emotional upset concerning loved ones or fellow brethren (sisters) or a client or co-worker or employee, but mainly only those closest to me.

Think about it: How many times have you gotten mad at the pastor. He just didn't handle things the way you would have liked. He seemingly sided with the other person. He did not take your side! He/She was not sympathetic or he/she flat made you mad.

Perhaps you told him about it. Let him have it; No holds barred! Really gave him/her a piece of your mind! Perhaps you simply, passive aggressively withdrew your affection. No longer greeting him/her with warmth, smiles, hugs, caring conversation or prayers or support. If he/she is the person I think they are, given their calling, he/she probably endured your social innuendo. He/she loved you. Prayed for you. Listened to Gods message for you that week and faithfully delivered it. Without scorn or due recompense. Serving you.

He might have went to bat for you. Pleading with his/her spouse or other parishioners  not to hold it against you or confront your mal aligned behavior. Perhaps he/she had to mend several relationships your rift affected. Tirelessly explaining the spiritual walk of grace and bearing one another's burdens, of forgiveness and long suffering again and again. All the while you were holding a grudge against him/her!

At the end of the day, the long, hard, cold day, a day such as this, and likely, several days hence, that often accompany incidents of this nature, a person is simply spent! These are the kind of days that take so much out of the giver, the mediator, the pastor, minister, parent or overseer. The peron(s) is spent and the "time" is also spent.

The Apostle Paul said, "Even now I am being poured out like a drink offering"
Spent, that's what the apostle Paul was saying. Spent!

In our value system, let us value one another, preferring one another, sparing, salvaging, treasuring, not spending one another. If we add to each other joy, kindness or goodness, we are neither depleting one another nor ourselves, but when we pour out offenses and curses and build fences between the brethren, we have not added but "spent." When we value something we handle it with care. We treasure it, polish it. Guard it, Protect it, mend it when it's in need of repair or even broken.  We invest in it, have faith in it, believe for it, put it in a safe place to protect it's value.

Let us consider how not to spend one another. One day there will be nothing left of those we love and who love us.

 Let us spend time not people! And let us spend "time' wisely!

The apostle Paul said, "Redeem the day for it is evil" He said spend the day, while you have it. Don't let it be consumed by the evil that is so prevalent of our day. (It seems of everyday since the fall.)

How you will spend your time is up to you. I recommend you spend your time aware of the treasures.  The spiritual gifts we overlook, miss use, abuse and carelessly "spend." The gifts of time, souls, loved ones, of grace, mercy, love, fellowship, provision, comradery, faithfulness, gentleness... fruits...

Time is truly one of the most precious commodities on the planet. There is no synthetic time, nor will there ever be. Yet God has lavished it upon us, breath upon breath, moment upon moment, glance upon glance. Like currency it is ours to spend. Only, we never know how much we have been given...Could be a moment...Could be a century. Each and every bit of time counts! How we spend it matters.

So, like the bible implores, Let us redeem the day! If we fail to seize the day the lord has made, evil will consume it like a feast and we will stand at the threshold of the moment, at the dawn of our reckoning, wondering why it happened and how we might take it back. Tomorrow is too late. God said redeem the "day!" Not: redeem the future or a later moment when you feel like doing something, or sometime when ever the unction arises... or when your feelings have dictated * "Now is the time for salvation." ...* "Let us not be slothful concerning the times." .. * " There is a time and a season for everything." .. *"Seek the Lord while it is still time."

Time, it is worth saying again, is ours to spend, a gift from God. There is much instruction in the bible concerning time, much definition of time's spiritual/eternal as well temporal characteristics, of it's best uses and worst, of it's caveats, miss-uses, losses and seasons.

I like being a christian. God is so fair. He left us an instruction manual for our every breath!

Heed Gods instructions and receive His "gifts" accordingly. There are no do-overs or the turning back of time. Yet Time and Gods mercies are new every morning. Fresh from heaven.

Receiving each morning anew, each moment with fresh anticipation, soberness of mind and sure appreciation of the gift and it's preciousness. Prioritizing and finding dominion over your day begins with dominion of your heart.

Spend the day. Not people!

Total Recall

I feel total recall is highly over-rated. Once i was at a church function and i noticed a woman who looked vaguely familiar kept looking at me funny. Not like "Hey! Remember me!" more like, ashamed, embarrased, looking at my eyes, afraid that she would see a sign that i recognized her so that she could make a mad escape before i acted on the realization.

Later I was informed that the woman had been at our clinic 10 years before and had fillled out her intake form with some pretty incriminating info about herself. She was now walking in Christ, was in a discipleship group doing very well, changed life. I'm sorry my presence made her feel uncomfortable at that meeting. If i had known i would have cleared the matter up. We were all family present and that was our time to commune.

I did sort of recognize her but nothing of her story. Little detail God also leaves out when he sees us. Do we accept his son? That is the only thing God says he will recall on that day. After all, if you know his son, your sins have been driven into the deep, as far as the east is from the west! You have been born of the spirit into the righteousness of Christ by recognizing the unrighteous deeds, turning from your former ways of the flesh and it's destructive patterns designed to destroy you! Any accusation or report of your past is satans work.

Relax and enjoy the fam, you are your fathers child. Anyone who doesn't recognize that is not of the father!